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material efficiencyの例文


  • Kemira aims to improve its customers water, energy and raw material efficiency.
  • In 2014, a team at Northwestern University has established the world record performance for thermoelectric material efficiency.
  • Material efficiency can be achieved through using recycled materials, materials that use renewable energy, and other ways.
  • The motivations for material efficiency include reducing energy demand, reducing the emissions and other environmental impacts of industry, and increasing national resource security.
  • The term "'Material efficiency "'can also signify the degree in which a material can handle a particular load, strain or weight upon it.
  • The lead markets of Germany's green technology industry are power generation, sustainable mobility, material efficiency, energy efficiency, waste management and recycling, sustainable water management.
  • Through improved material efficiency and increased PV recycling, the CdTe PV industry has the potential to fully rely on tellurium from recycled end-of-life modules by 2038.
  • Through improved material efficiency and increased PV recycling systems, the CdTe PV industry has the potential to fully rely on tellurium from recycled end-of-life modules by 2038.
  • Improvements in working fluid systems, such as moving from current two tank ( hot / cold ) designs to single tank thermocline systems with quartzite thermal fillers and oxygen blankets will improve material efficiency and reduce costs further.
  • Thirdly is the magnitude of fatigue experienced by the stay cables and their end anchorages, and bridge design codes allow extradosed stay cables to operate at a significantly higher design stress level and therefore material efficiency level as a result.
  • And other taxpayers are picking up the tab to the tune of $ 2.6 billion every year, says a report issued by the GrassRoots Recycling Network, Friends of the Earth, Taxpayers for Common Sense and the Materials Efficiency Network.
  • While the practices or technologies employed in green building are constantly evolving and may differ from region to region, fundamental principles persist from which the method is derived : siting and structure design efficiency, energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials efficiency, indoor environmental quality enhancement, operations and maintenance optimization and waste and toxics reduction.
  • For example, using recycled steel instead of new steel " reduces the energy produced in making the steel by 75 percent, and saves space in landfills as well . " Material efficiency, " entails the pursuit of the technical strategies, business models, consumer preferences and policy instruments that would lead to a substantial reduction in the production of high-volume energy-intensive materials required to deliver human well-being.
  • Energy-efficient datacentres, accounting for " 0.5 to 1.5 per cent of total electricity consumption in Finland ", which capture " heat generated by datacentres [ to feed ] it into district heating networks, and " a research programme on environmental monitoring and services " to " create new tools, standards and methods for environmental measurement, monitoring and decision-making . . . based on environmental data to improve the energy and material efficiency of infrastructures and industrial processes " were major goals of public research projects related to the broadband initiatives.